
Thursday, 3 August 2023


In this post i will be trying to identify the audience of an advert, its meaning, and the effectiveness

Advert 1
Title of the Advertisement:
Brand/Product: Money Supermarket/Insurance
Duration of the Advertisement:1 minute
Brief Overview/Summary: A cool wannabe random white person riding his invisible car.  
1. Target Audience:
- Someone that can drive
- The middle class 
- Middle-aged 

2. Message and Purpose
- Invest in insurance to ensure the safety of your cars and to promote their insurance company

3. Meaning and Interpretation
- The advertisement shows an enjoyable life with the help of insurance. Covering their property damage and helping them feel safe.

4. Effectiveness
- The advertisement was eye-catching and effective although it doesn't explain the service they are offering. The advert has a popular rapper Snoop Dog that could help them gain attention and recognition. 

5. Personal Response
- The advert was overall very eye-catching and it did catch my attention. It had some humor such as using an invisible car and it showed how effective the insurance was. The random white guy lived a cool and enjoyable life.

6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
The advert has a different

Advert 2
Title of the Advertisement: Cadbury Gorilla 
Brand/Product: Cadbury chocolate 
Duration of the Advertisement:1 minute 20 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: Gorilla playing the drums to promote the chocolate bar  

1. Target Audience:
- Both genders
-  Men
- Younger audience 

2. Message and Purpose
- Using a gorilla to play the drums makes the advert humorous and memorable

3. Meaning and Interpretation
- Eat chocolate

4. Effectiveness
- The advertisement was effective by using a gorilla and a purple background to show that there is still a hint of Cadbury in the advertisement. It uses a popular song amongst older people and a gorilla to attract younger audiences. 

5. Personal Response
- The advert was unique, humorous, and very random. Not only is it effective but it is also memorable. The gorilla was a random character playing drums to a phill collins song.

6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
The advert has a different 

Advert 3
Title of the Advertisement: Barbie So In Style Doll Commercial
Brand/Product: Barbie doll
Duration of the Advertisement:30 minutes
Brief Overview/Summary: Showing teen girls playing with barbie toys 

1. Target Audience:
- The minority (black people)
- Young-aged (4-10) 

2. Message and Purpose
- A new colour of a Barbie doll targeting the minority audience having a message of not only white girls can play Barbie.

3. Meaning and Interpretation
- Everybody can be barbie

4. Effectiveness
- The advertisement was effective, not only did they use a song in the advert there are also some dances being performed which could attract the younger audience. The colours use common barbie colours such as pink and purple. 

5. Personal Response
- I would say that the advertisement was 

6. Comparative Analysis (Optional)
The advert has a different 

Advert 4
Title of the Advertisement: Mastin The Ekstrak Kulit Manggis - The Best TV Commercials in Indonesia [HD]
Brand/Product: Mastin
Duration of the Advertisement: 30 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: The brand promotes its product by showing the effects of consuming the product on a daily basis. Having a character with glowing skin in a field full of mangosteens living happily and cheerfully by consuming herbal medicine.

Advert 5
Title of the Advertisement: IKLAN BEAR BRAND - 30s (2021)
Brand/Product: Bear Brand 
Duration of the Advertisement: 30 seconds
Brief Overview/Summary: The advertisement was about a dragon protecting the earth from a strange creature. 

1. Target Audience:
- Mostly to a younger audience (4-12)
- Male
- The advertisement has a setting where it is placed in the jungle but voiced over by an Indonesian voice actor. This does not generally mean the product is only meant for Indonesian. Other foreigners can also try the product but the product is only available in Indonesia meaning the target audience is the people of Indonesia. 

2. Message and Purpose
- The milk is shown as a protector to imply the message of the milk as an immune system protecting our body from viruses/diseases. The dragon wins the fight against the strange creatures showing dominance over the creature. This connects to the nutrition facts of the milk, the milk helps prevent diseases from entering the body further increasing our body's immune system. The ad was published during the covid times when 'susu beruang'/'bear brand' was believed to be the cure/medicine that could prevent being tested positive for the virus. The advertisement shows the product at the end of the video. The packaging of Bear Brand products can influence their convenience and ease of use. Good powdered milk should have packaging that keeps the product fresh and prevents clumping. 

3. Meaning and Interpretation
- The idea of this ad is that not everything healthy is unpleasant which in this video is the milk itself. 
- The creature in the advertisement is shown to destroy nature and kill all the living factors in the area. Greeneries such as grass/trees dying and losing their color changing to grey and black. This implies that the creature acts as the disease that wants to destroy our bodies. The dragon is shown in bright white colour, showing that the dragon is the hero of the video. The dragon acts as our body's protector defeating every disease that enters our body.  

4. Effectiveness
- The advertisement was effective, not only did they have a decent animation the advertisement described the scene and the purpose of the dragon. Not only random animations the ad shows the product being promoted. The original packaging and the product being advertised. Although the product is only available in Indonesia it could attract audiences from another country. It attracts milk enthusiasts 

5. Personal Response
- I would say that the advertisement was effective and impressive. It is also very memorable as no other brands or products use a white dragon entering a can with a logo of a bear. It is also very fun to watch as the colors are very appealing. The advertisement could also impact Indonesia socially, its dragon reviving greeneries  

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