
Monday, 29 July 2024

Weekly Progress & Plans

This is my weekly progress and plans for the documentary project

Week 1:

This week we were introduced to the new syllabus of media studies and were informed about our documentary project

Week 2:

During the second week, we did research on crime documentaries to use as references for our project. We analyzed the first 5 minutes of a crime documentary series/movie and wrote all the important aspects of a crime documentary. These important aspects include the mise-en scene, the typical conventions of a crime documentary what was inspiring to us, and what we could do for our documentary project. On the last day of this week were introduced to media regulations and how the audience is affecting the policies. We discussed rules done by the 4 most common social media, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. 

Week 3:
This week we did our statement of intent and chose to make a multitalented criminal documentary. We also chose our teams consisting of 4 including myself. We discussed how our documentary would be and the actors we needed to find to finish the documentary. 
  • Finish statement of intent
  • Finalise documentary plan
Week 4:
This week we started making our script for the documentary project. As well as the storyboard and the location scout for the risk assessments. We finished up our statement of intent and finalized our plan for how the documentary will be. Other than the project lessons we learned a few more theories that could be used. We learned what power has to do with anything in the media and how effective it is.
  • Continue finishing script
  • Take pictures of the location
  • Find actors for the documentary project
Week 5:
This week we did the storyboard for our documentary and made a filming schedule for our team. This was kind of hectic tho as not all of us are as flexible as we want to be but accurately executing the recordings as followed in the schedule might be very challenging.
  • Continue storyboard
  • Recording
Week 6:
Week 6 we watched a 1 hour long Netflix series titled Black Mirror. This tells the audience how much social media/technology has affected our lives. We then noted all the necessary information we could get related to our documentary project. We also introduced the critical self-reflection and discussed how to answer each question.

  • Connect any valuable lesson about the series we watched
  • Notes on the several things we could include for our documentary
Week 7:
This week we discussed more media regulation and power in the media. Other than discussing that we continued our project and showed our progress to the teacher. We got feedback on what we should and shouldn't do which made the finalised documentary draft better.

  • Edit according to the feedback
  • Research how power affects media companies
Week 8:
This will be our last week of the term, we asked the teacher for feedback on our final documentary video and asked if there are areas in need of improvement. We also made self-reflection to the end of every blog post we did which included the problems and solutions and much more.

  • Add a self-reflection for every blog post
  • Finalised thumbnail and more developed research.
Self Reflection:
This weekly progress helped me a lot in keeping track of my work and made a to-do list for me. I needed this blog as it will assist me in completing tasks and will be a reminder to always finish tasks such as finishing research or continuing editing thumbnails, videos, or sounds according to the feedback given. Although helpful making this weekly progress can be quite troublesome as sometimes I forget to do it which makes the entire week blank. 


Week 1:
This week was the first week of school after the Christmas break so we started off slow. We made a music video as a whole class dividing each part of the song and assigning all of the groups to make the video of the part. We also studies Mcluhan's theory of Global village which was how new technology can make the world more interconnected. On the last lesson of the week we made a 1 minute video about global village using several case studies such as BBC news, Minecraft or twitter. 

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