
Thursday, 5 October 2023

Weekly Progress and Plan

 Here is my weekly progress for the magazine project and also a rough plan


Term 1


Term 2


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Week 1:
    - This week we started by learning about theories and played a little fun game testing our memory about term 1.
    - Was introduced to new theories such as the Binary opposites theory and the 5 media codes
    - Mr. Nick introduced us to how to make the magazine and magazine terminologies

Week 2:
    - This week we started learning about new theories and practiced in groups how to write a paragraph of our main ideas using the 4 necessary techniques
    - On Thursday we learned about a new theory the representation theory by Stuart Hall. Stating that media creates meaning rather than meaning is published by the media.
    - Today we continued our research project about the magazine. Time management is really important and i haven't completed the tasks needed for today. 
    - The homework Mr gave last week was checked and everything was fins

Week 3:
  I made a new way of writing my progress and here it is
    - I analyzed 2 front covers in detail to help with my final magazine cover
    - Started a mini analysis for 4 more smaller detailed magazines
    - Problems: Time management as always, procrastinating is my habit and for the final magazine i had a dilemma on whether to choose automobile or sports
    - Solution: Do it in my free time, and make progress every single day. 
    - To-do: Everything

Week 4:
    - We learned about a new theory called the genre theory including the psychographic and demographic factors represented in the media. This can help me identify the target audience and how to appeal to the target audience I chose. 
    - Started magazine development
    - Problems: Time management as always, procrastinating is my habit. However, I completed all of the tasks and homework given which was surprising. Identifying different images i need for the magazine. Picking a title and a cover line was also a problem.
    - Solution: Dont procrastinate. I used chatgpt for the title and the cover line of the magazine FOR IDEAS ONLY.
    - To-do: Finish the magazine development and start taking pictures of the car i want to be in my magazine

Week 5:
    - On Monday we did group work and made a mindmap about a theory lesson on the key concepts of media studies and we did a gallery walk to each group.
    - Today we did a double page spread research and how we could use it for our magazine
    - Problems: It was quite difficult to identify each and every section of the double-page spread. It is also hard to find the meaning of the page.
    - Solution: I Asked the teacher and now i understand. 
    - To-do: ECOmplete the overview table, terminology and technical skills. Finish my double-page spread research. Make the statement of intent post better, 

Week 6:
    - On Monday we practiced new media and traditional media. The differences of both and how the audience is affected by both of these media.
    - On Thursday we did a section a practice and video analysis of the Netflix series Queens Gambit. We also identified the media language, theories, and representations.
    - We also completed our double-page analysis research as homework
    - On Friday we started the article for our final magazine. The homework helped me make my article
    - Problems: It was hard to do my article
    - Solution: DFind article as inspiration
    - To-do: finish all my double page spread

Week 7:
    - On Monday we did a project lesson which is today and was very unexpected as usually the project lesson is on monday.
    - I check-listed most of the tasks
    - Problems: Writing the article is pretty difficult and having a reflection for every posts is also time consuming.
    - Solution: Look at articles online and find inspiration 
    - To-do: Complete all the tasks and label them. 

Semester 2
I am now entering the second semester of grade 11 and going to week 1 to make it easier for me to follow along.

Week 1:
    - This week we learned the processes filmmakers went through to produce a film. We learned the 3 stages which was production, distribution and exhibition. 
    - We also watched a disney produced film called bluey to interpret the meaning of the movie.
    - Today i started to create an analysis the pictures i took for location scout for my magazine. 
to do:
    - Finish the research
    - get better pictures

Week 2:
    - Today i started learning and experimenting on how to make a magazine cover for my magazine 
    - I also learned some techniques to make my magazine cover appeal and looks more neat
    - I also took pictures of cars for practice

Shooting schedule
    - I will be taking pictures of my cover page this weekend the 20th of January
    - I will also be taking my contents picture in the same day and on the 26th of January. 

Week 3:
    - Today I started developing the front cover of my magazine
    - Struggled to find a title for the magazine as my title was too broad
    - Making the front cover of the magazine was also harder for me as I was using canva

To do:
    - Take better pictures of the car
    - Continue creating my magazine covers

Week 4:
    - Today i started my critical self-reflection for my magazine 

To do:
    - Finish self -reflection

Week 5:
    - This week i did a unit test on Monday and got the feedback
    - On tuesday i continued to make more magazine cover images and made some changes.
    - The design on the very left is my first trial. the teacher then gave me feedback to change the colors of some of the writings. 

To do:
    - Finalise the cover

Week 6:
    - I started the contents page for my magazine. It was quite hard to find the right image and the right template to make the page.
    - Today i started the double page spread of my magazine. There was a bit of a problem though as today school starts an hour late as there was a ceremony that caused road blockage

To do:
    - Finish the double page spread

Week 7:
    - We continued the project for the whole week. Very fun as i already have the pictures i need for the magazine
    - I also got a feedback for both the contents and cover of the page and changed a couple of things
    - I continued my double page spread but i didn't finish as i didn't know which template/ which format i should use for the double page spread. 
    - We also remade one of the paragraphs from our unit test.
    - The due date of the magazine is this week on a Thursday.

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