
Wednesday, 1 November 2023

Double Page Spread: Research + Development

 Here is a link to my Double Page Spread research + development 

Reflection: Guessing what would be on the double page of a magazine was challenging and I was confused. Although reading more magazine double pages would help me identify and guess the inside of a magazine much easier
Magazine Number 1

Before Reading




Edition 75, May 2016


Kompas Gramedia 


automobile,  Classical Cars 


9 long shots of cars and people.


4 columns. Most of the article is light on text but the phrase 

'PROPER MEET UP FOR PROPER CARS' would be the sentence that would appeal to the reader. Bottom right and bottom left. There is barely any negative space. 2 drop caps are used in the magazine

First impressions:

It caught my attention. The double page has more images  

After Reading


Proper Meet Up For Proper Cars


Makin Ramai Makin Berkualitas


My magazine does not have any bylines but the image is captured from KIPLI and IPIN. My image also has a caption for the images. 


The article is about classic cars and a yearly event where vintage cars meet and several events. Jakarta has multiple car events for car enthusiasts to join.

Mode of address:

The text is very informal and much more relaxed. it indirectly addresses the audience. 

Pull Quote:

My magazine does not have any pull quotes although there are quotes in the magazine.


The audience are car enthusiasts in Indonesia.


The article was fun yet boring. It described the events happening and unique happy accidents. It was described in detail and everything written is facts and can be proven.


Using more images will be easier but also use engaging language to keep readers

 attention and reduce the chances of the reader getting bored.

Magazine Number 2

Before Reading


Classic Mercedes


Issue 44, Autumn 2023




automobile,  Classical Cars 


Most of the page is equally distributed with pictures and text. Both of them in a large amount. The double page has a classical Mercedes Benz. Most of the shot is a long shot of the car.


The page is divided into 6 columns and the layout of the text is equally as heavy as the images.

First impressions:

It didn't really catch my attention the page has too much text and too many images which is not always a good thing for a magazine. It looks boring.   

After Reading




60 years of the 600


My images do not have a byline but each image has different captions. Each caption describes what is in the image and what is special about it.  


The article is about the classic type of Mercedes Benz the 600 coupes. The article is also about the history of the coupe 600 and the market price.

Mode of address:

The text is very formal and informative. But some of the texts are informal which is relaxing and makes the magazine less boring.  

Pull Quote:

My magazine does not have any pull quotes although there are quotes in the magazine.


The audience is car enthusiasts from all over the world as the language used is English.


The article was as I expected which is boring. There is just too many texts, images and so much to look at. Although the article is very informative id don't think its good to have this much text or images in a double page spread.


I would use images like shown but less and the article will also be less to ensure the readers attention is on the image i will be showing in my magazine

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